Sunday, July 1, 2012

Memphis Crawl Live TONIGHT at The Brickhouse!

For those of you who missed last night's mind blowing performance at 89 North in Patchogue last night, you have a chance to redeem yourselves. Memphis Crawl will be playing live tonight at The Brickhouse Brewery 9pm sharp! This is a great venue, and is always a great time. If you are not able to make it tonight, the show will be broadcasted live on 103.9 WRCN. If you won't be near a radio, do not fret, because you will also be able to listen to the show live on the internet. So be sure to tune in, log-on, or get your butt down to The Brickhouse Brewery for an unforgettable performance by Memphis Crawl!

Let us build an army... an army for Memphis Crawl

June Review for Memphis Crawl

June was an amazing month for Memphis Crawl. They played several shows this month, all of which were great. Each one of these performances were better then the last, with a growing fan base, as well as maximizing their exposure on the New York music scene.

Katie's Tavern in Smithtown:

As a native of Smithtown, I was really excited for this show. It was a great atmosphere, and the sound was unbelievable. A small stage almost always works in Memphis Crawl's favor, although the musicians are restricted with space, it allows them to maximize their rocking, as far as I'm concerned, the smaller the stage the better the show. This show was quite the mind blower!

NYC Underground:

This was my 3rd time seeing Memphis Crawl play at this great little bar right in downtown Manhattan. Of course whenever NYC is involved, you know it's going to be a great show. I had the privilege of driving front man, Matty O'Brien, to and from the show, which was quite the enjoyable experience. Drummer Mike Vincenti is without a doubt my favorite drummer to watch perform. Being cramped all the way in the back of the stage, with limited room, and without his own drumming equipment, didn't prevent him from rockin' and rollin' all night long!

89 North in Patchogue:

I've been religiously following Memphis Crawl for about a year now, and last nights show was most certainly their best. This beautiful new venue near the south shore was a much needed addition to the New York music scene. The giant stage and dance floor allowed the band to maximize face melting goodness, and the fans to rock their socks off. The sound at this venue is the closest thing to perfection I've ever heard, was very impressed. Due to the large size of the stage, the band was able to move around a lot and play off of each other. Matty O'Brien would constantly move from stage to floor, to dance with the audience which just fueled his immense energy on stage. This was by far, their best performance I've seen, and after talking with Matty O'Brien this morning, he agreed and said it was his favorite performance as well.

Hope you were able to witness the insanity that is Memphis Crawl, but if not, do not fret! Memphis Crawl has a full summer schedule and will be rocking all summer long. So don't forget to keep checking back for schedule updates. You can also follow Memphis Crawl on Facebook and Twitter.

Let us build an army... an army for Memphis Crawl.